Monday & Tuesday are by appointment

Wednesday - Friday 12-5pm

Saturday 12-4pm

We look forward to seeing you!

Yoga & Cycling

Whether you’re looking to speed up muscle recovery, improve breath control, or simply maintain overall wellbeing, we offer personalized private sessions tailored to your unique needs as a cyclist.

Our Offerings:

  • Private Yoga Recovery: Experience one-on-one sessions designed to support muscle recovery, flexibility, and injury prevention. Each session is crafted to address the specific physical demands of cycling, helping you stay strong and resilient both on and off the bike.

  • Breath Work & Wellbeing: Master the art of breath control with our guided breath work sessions. These techniques will not only help you manage your heart rate during intense rides but also promote relaxation and mental clarity in your daily life.

  • Weekly Blog: Stay informed and inspired with our weekly blog, where we delve into the intersection of yoga and cycling. From tips on incorporating yoga into your training routine to insights on how yoga can enhance your overall cycling performance, our blog is your go-to resource.

  • Cyclist-Based Yoga Events: Join us for special events designed exclusively for cyclists. These in-person and virtual gatherings focus on restorative yoga practices that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle your next ride with renewed energy.

Elevate your cycling journey with the transformative benefits of yoga. Explore our offerings and discover how yoga can help you ride stronger, recover faster, and feel better every day.